BALADI CAP’s Service Provider RMF Conducts Municipalities Financial Management Training

One of the most respected experts on Municipal Financial Management and Organizational Development, Mr. Hussein Hallal led a training workshop conducted by BALADI CAP’s service provider Rene Moawad Foundation for 22 municipalities. The workhop which was help on March 15, 2018 tackled the issue of the “Municipal Employee Bylaws” (نظام الموظفين), and the “Municipal Worker Bylaws” (نظام الأجراء) highlighting each participating municipality’s needs for amendment. Two administrative judges from the Lebanese Court of Audit were on the panel to assist in their specialty.

At the end of the workshop, the participants pledged to provide their notes on the “Municipal Bylaws”, within two weeks, to be then further reviewed by the senior expert and judges and returned to the municipalities for their approval.

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